FirstNet Adviser help

Adviser Registration

How do I register for the FirstNet Adviser share trading centre?

To register for the Adviser share trading service:

  1. Select Tools from the top navigation menu.
  2. Select Adviser Trading Centre from the left navigation menu.
  3. Enter your CommSec ATC username and password.
  4. Read and accept the terms and conditions.
  5. Click Login.

Once registered, you’ll be able use the Adviser share trading service by linking your Colonial First State clients to their ATC share holdings.

How do I unregister?

If you unregister from the FirstNet Adviser share trading service, all your clients will be unlinked and you will no longer be able to see consolidated share and managed funds information for your clients.

To unregister:

  1. Select Tools from the top navigation menu.
  2. Select Adviser share trading service from the left navigation menu.
  3. Click the 'Unregister' link on the Adviser Trading Centre homepage.
  4. Enter your ATC username and password.
  5. Click Submit.